Get control today.Lose weight now. If you're serious about losing weight or getting a grip on your health - you need the NutriCounter.Control your diet the natural way - by eating REAL foods.By simply controlling your intake of each of the nutritional categories, you will lose weight and achieve peak health. How it works:The NutriCounter is an electronic calorie counter and has over 2,000 food items stored in memory. There are 400 open locations to add thenutritional information of YOUR favorite foods. At any time of the day, you can use your NutriCounter to find out howmany calories, fats, cholesterol, carbohydrates, sugar, sodium, fiber and proteinyou have had for that day. This is especially helpful if you haveANY dietary restrictions. - All information "at a glance."
- Set your PERSONAL GOALS in any or all of the nutritional categories.
- Displays daily, weekly, or monthly totals.
- Displays portion size.
- It is also available for the Palm OS.
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